Whew! What a year!
I don’t know of too many people who disagree that 2020 was the most difficult year of their life!
Beginning of 2020
But it started out with many of us declaring it to be a good year because looking at the double digits in the year, it was bound to be a year of double blessings for a lot of us including myself.
On December 30, 2019, I created a post of text and images on my VaNest Travel facebook page signifying my vision for 2020. The post stated that in 2020, I see plenty of joy, love, peace, wealth, and productive days. I simply stated I saw “plenty” in those various areas of my life. It also expressed an expectation of double in 2020 which was based on the double digits 2020. I was not alone in my thoughts, others believed in the double concept too! I also believed that the double digits represented something else, “VISION.” I assumed, once again, good things were in my vision and they were coming to pass in 2020.
Looking Back
Well, looking back on my life, I thought I had it all wrong. I will admit I was disappointed I posted that post on December 30th, as 2020 was my most difficult year like as for others. Many experienced the transition of dear loved ones. My mother transitioned to heaven on 1 March 2020–wasn’t expecting that at all nor did I see that in my vision when I created the post. Of course, like others, grief impacted me and still, I grieve, but the joy of the Lord has been my strength.
A Deadly Pandemic
In March 2020, a pandemic blew up in U.S. and began wreaking havoc in both our country and the world. https://time.com/5791661/who-coronavirus-pandemic-declaration/. I don’t even have to tell you, some of you have been negatively impacted by the pandemic as many others.
Being a Travel Agent, I couldn’t even take the trips I wanted to take this year. But I can say this, it’s ALL GOOD! The Lord knew what He was doing. God’s timing is always right! His vision is always on point! Though I don’t like the fact we’ve been experiencing a pandemic, I can say some good things have transpired as a result of it.
My Vision Was Off
So my post on my VaNest Travels Facebook page stated there will be plenty of joy, love, peace, wealth, and PRODUCTIVE DAYS. And that there would be “rest and relaxation.” I saw abundance in my vision! I saw new relationships in my vision! I saw me living my best life! Well, how could any of it happen in the midst of a pandemic. So I was embarrassed by that post until a few days ago I realized the post was actually prophetic!
God-Given Vision
I stated 2020 would be a productive year for me. At that time, I didn’t have sense enough to realize that when you have vision, it doesn’t mean it will happen immediately nor as one visualizes it. The vision required me doing some things before it could become my reality but it was really a God-given vision. He also involved Himself to make it happen. Talking about being productive, I had no idea it would happen primarily as a result of a pandemic.
Two Part Vision
My vision was in two parts…productivity, then results. For some things to happen, productivity has to happen first. Then the results that usher in the fulfillment of a vision. I learned that 2020 was, in fact, my year of vision. It was also the year of productivity. I was doing the right things to set me on the path of achievement of my vision though I never gave it much thought. I guess so much was going on. In 2020, I set in motion the things required to bring vision to fruition in 2021. The year 2020, I kid you not, has been the MOST productive year of my life in terms of putting and completing personal goals and it was due to having time to do some things! On September 26, 2020, I posted on Instagram that I had done the following:
- Gained spiritual pounds — I read the entire bible in a year – my first time.
- Completed some writing projects I had been working on for years.
- Completed some online courses to help me in my personal endeavors.
- Read and completed a 500 plus page book on Psalms that I’d for years.
- Learned new skills.
- Doing “me” time.
There’s no way for me to say I wasn’t productive in 2020 nor that I didn’t have days of rest and relaxation. I would be lying if I said otherwise.
Prophetic Vision
In looking back on the post of December 2020…the one I concluded was a mistake to post because none of it was my reality in 2020, and not to mention, no one responded to show they had vision for their own life as well in 2020, I thank God I now know it was accurate…it was indeed prophetic. I realize God’s love, joy, and peace were upon my life in abundance after the passing of my mother. Loss of a loved one is not easy to endure. Grief is real both mentally and physically. Sadly, a lot of folks experienced grief in 2020. But God is still God and He still does God-things in all our situations.
Your Vision
Friend, did you have a vision for 2020 but believe the pandemic prevented it from materializing? Think again and see how God incorporated good in your life in the midst of the pandemic. Romans 8:28 is still true! If you think long enough, you might recognize the good hand of God upon your life in 2020. And besides, God does say, in Habakkuk 2:3, the vision is yet for an appointed time. So don’t give up on your 2020 vision and goals. It could be that you were productive in 2020 in the very thing necessary for your vision to become a reality in 2021. Seriously, think about it, look, and see if your actions in 2020 were pushing you to fulfillment of your vision in 2021 or at least setting things in motion. Then go forward and finalize what you’ve started. Make it happen. The vision is for an appointed time. It’s up to you to make that time your reality!
Make no mistake, I am not glad for this pandemic, but God’s been good. A lot of my Facebook family and friends can say the same as I see the great things God did for them in 2020 and because of the pandemic! They bought homes, paid off debts, and other things!
As for me, the realization of my vision is still yet to come. But, by the nudge of God, I’ve put some things in motion. Now, it’s up to God to do exactly what He said He will do…prosper my efforts. The Lord gives us power to get wealth, Deuteronomy 8:18.
Friend, see to it that your vision comes to pass especially since God has already willed it so, 3 John 2.