Books, Books, and More Books
“What Did You Want to Be? (Volume 1)” a book that reflects on the inner child in each of us, was released in December 2018 and is available for purchase! The book is a collaboration of many who reflect on their childhood dreams. The book can be purchased by contacting Dr. Gloria at email: or by calling (804) 684-2909.
“She Wouldn’t Let Me Fall” (released March 2018) …My very first book collaboration, entitled, “She Wouldn’t Let Me Fall; Faith, Forgiveness & Friendship,” was released on March 10, 2018. The book is a collaboration of 100 women who felt compelled to tell their story for the benefit of other women. This is not just a book with stories but a book where heartfelt advice is given by many of the collaborators! For purchase, contact me!
Books to Come!
(1) A series of books on P.O.E.M.S coming soon!
(2) A study book on remembering the stories of the gospel. Are you tired of reading scripture and forgetting what you’ve read the same hour? Come back soon to get details on when this book will be available for purchase.