God Works

But the grass didn’t grow under my feet! By the time I retired, I had been promoted several times…up to the level of EEO Manager. Certainly, not without God’s intervention neither without challenging moments.

EEO, My Specialty

EEO became my specialty in the Fed Gov. As EEO Specialist, employees lodged discrimination complaints with me; the result was a written, sometimes lengthy, EEO Counselor’s report. As EEO Manager, I managed employees, but also reviewed, sometimes edited, their EEO Counselor’s reports. I was able to hone my writing and editing skills through work experience and training sessions. The Fed Gov is big in both professional and personal development. It benefits them! Little did I know I was being prepared for my “after-retirement” life! I did say God worked for me throughout my work career, right? Perhaps, you believe me when I say, God WORKs!

Your Work Career

So enough about my work career. Many of you have your own career stories. Some of it is good. Some bad. Perhaps, all of it, so far, has been challenging. You may be one of the 40 million workers who recently filed an unemployment claim. God’s an equal employment opportunity God…He is no respecter of persons. God worked for me; He will work for you! Probably have already worked for you but rest assured that as a child of God, He will continue to work for you! He won’t quit on you! No-one can terminate or fire Him! Your issues may be work-related. Or maybe not. They may be personal issues. Whatever they are, He’s well-equipped to work your problems out! He specializes in all things, and He can do what no other power can do!

God’s Credentials

Prior to a specialist’s hire in the Fed Gov, credentials are checked. For God’s credentials, His prior work experience, and more, check it out below. I strongly recommend you give Him the opportunity to WORK FOR YOU! After review of the below, totally based on His Word, contact me here https://www.vanessbooks.com/contact-me/, or let me know in the comments section, below, if you would select Him for your personal jobs.

2 thoughts on “God Works

  1. AMEN!! Praise GOD for using you to write this powerful and encouraging blog. Yes….GOD definitely Works!! Your testimonials are so authentic and can be used to encourage others who may be experiencing the same or similiar issues. GOD used you to write this at such an appropriate time with all the trials and tests that we are currently experiencing. Thank you for sharing your life experiences and being a testimony that GOD WORKS. I pray that so many people will be touched by this inspiring blog. Many blessings to you and thanks so much for being such an inspiration to the world. LUM!!

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