People Problems? Personal Problems? Parenting Problems? Pressing Problems? Petty Problems?
Give God work assignments! He wants to work them out! Throughout my work career, I had problems…people and workload. Some days were very challenging. After arriving home many days, I turned my face to the wall, in tears, and vented on God! The Lord WORKED for me; He sustained me! By the time severe problematic issues began occurring in the workplace, retirement was available as an option!
God’s Retired?
We have a lot going on in our world today…COVID-19, racial tensions, and other fires stemming from those two major issues. When we thought it couldn’t get any worse than COVID-19, the racial tensions began. COVID-19 has lasted longer than we desired or anticipated. People have been praying. Yet God’s been silent, unresponsive seemingly. It appears God has retired. He’s a consuming fire according to Hebrews 12:29. He sure hasn’t put out this “COVID-19” fire! All these destructive flames connected to COVID-19 have yet to be extinguished after a few months of constant prayer. He’s no longer putting out fires? His acting position of “FireFighter” is vacant?
No! He Still Works
Friend, it may appear He has retired from working miracles, ordering steps, even being a gracious God…one thing is sure, He is still God! He still WORKs! He will work these major issues in His own timing and own way, according to His own plan!
If any of the above major issues or others have impacted you in a negative way, I assure you He’s at work on your behalf! He’s working beyond what human eyes can see.
Since, He works for you, tell Him what you want Him to do! He did say, “Ask and it shall be given, (St Matt 7:7).” He also said, “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show you great and mighty things you know not of (Jeremiah 33:3).” God WANTS work assignments!
Micro-Manage God
Here’s where we fail in our role as HPIC (head person in charge) in this one aspect of giving God work assignments, we give Him assignments then start pacing the floor in fear wondering if He heard us, wondering when and how He’s going to work. The problem is constantly on our mind. Friend, there’s no need to micro-manage God:
- He is more than able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that WORKs in us (Ephesians 3:20); and
- He is timely at all times. His sense of “time” is different from ours…one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day (2 Peter 3:8), but He’s always on time for our individual issues. When I managed employees, I had tardy days, but God is not man…He will NEVER be late when working for you! At no time will you be able to say that God did not show up on time! Check out Lazarus, Mary, and Martha’s story in St John 11:1-44. He’s an on-time God, even when we think He’s late!
Cease micro-managing Him! I found out, in my own life, when I give work assignments to God, via prayer, get up off my knees trusting Him to answer in His own way and timing, there are no regrets!
His Work is Superb
Trust Him with your cases. Like a good defense attorney, He’s undefeated! No need to feel anxious because He’s silent. He’s working the parts and pieces of your life together for good according to Romans 8:28. It’s part of His work processes. Intervention in your situation may be delayed but something positive is happening as a result of delayed intervention! Maybe He’s working something in you via delay or out of you! Maybe He’s BUILDING excellent character within as a result of what you are experiencing. Fiery trials have a way of accomplishing His purposes! Who likes fiery trials, right? I don’t care for them either!
2 thoughts on “God Works”
AMEN!! Praise GOD for using you to write this powerful and encouraging blog. Yes….GOD definitely Works!! Your testimonials are so authentic and can be used to encourage others who may be experiencing the same or similiar issues. GOD used you to write this at such an appropriate time with all the trials and tests that we are currently experiencing. Thank you for sharing your life experiences and being a testimony that GOD WORKS. I pray that so many people will be touched by this inspiring blog. Many blessings to you and thanks so much for being such an inspiration to the world. LUM!!
Hello Daphne! Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging comments! They are much appreciated!