God Works for His People
I firmly believe God works for His people as He did for the Jews in Old Testament times. Everything God does for us is on account of Christ’s work on the cross. We are blessed and highly favored because of that work! Man became separated from God way back in Adam’s day, Christ’s death on the cross put us back in fellowship with Him! Now, we are adopted into the family of God with many wonderful benefits that surpass any benefits pertinent to retirement!
Work for God
God WORKs for you! Your responsibility in the matter? “Believe!” Faith pleases Him! Exercise it! It’s the buzz word for moving Him to respond to your prayer requests. The truth of the matter is God’s our Boss! He works for us because He’s a gracious God, and we desperately need Him! We work for Him because we are indebted to Him as Creator of the universe and Savior of the world! He works from home (Heaven)! Our work for Him is here on earth! It’s the only work that can eradicate sin…the effects of sin, including racism, murder, violence, robbery, stealing, etc. If we will work while it is day…do His work, i.e., His work of evangelizing and calling others to salvation, there will be less crime, less insensitivity, less sexual harassment, less of every sin that can possibly be committed. This is what the Bible says in James 5:20,
Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
In light of coronavirus, we must work the work of Christ in ways as the Holy Spirit leads! Definitely, from a distance!
He Works for You
God WORKs for you! If you’re still not convinced He does, read Psalm 111 and see He works for the children of men…that’s you and I! Reader, I’ve prayed for you that your faith fail not…that you will believe He’s working for you! One thing I know about God is that He works in us when He works for us. He achieves perfection (spiritual maturity) in us when we allow Him to work for us! But we must let patience have her perfect work that we may be perfect and entire, lacking nothing. See James 1:1-8.
Promote God
Friend of God, no one works with His caliber of excellence and not get promoted! His superb record of service calls for promotion to His rightful place in your life…Lord & Master! It calls for devotion to His works while it is day, the night comes when no man can work! This current season of life is difficult for everybody…COVID-19 have terrorized people. Folks are looking for comfort, solace, hope, and for change. You and I have the answer!
Your Work has Benefits!
Now is the time to work the works of Christ! Now is the time to promote Him to the fullest extent. He said, If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me! Promote Him, especially since He’s ALWAYS working for you! Then, too, only what you do for Christ will last! What you do for Him today will benefit you in your next life! Child of God, get to work today! Don’t delay!
2 thoughts on “God Works”
AMEN!! Praise GOD for using you to write this powerful and encouraging blog. Yes….GOD definitely Works!! Your testimonials are so authentic and can be used to encourage others who may be experiencing the same or similiar issues. GOD used you to write this at such an appropriate time with all the trials and tests that we are currently experiencing. Thank you for sharing your life experiences and being a testimony that GOD WORKS. I pray that so many people will be touched by this inspiring blog. Many blessings to you and thanks so much for being such an inspiration to the world. LUM!!
Hello Daphne! Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging comments! They are much appreciated!